How was the

Company Culture in 2023?

Total score of all participants in Culture Exploit

We have put together the following lists based of what the participants have answered:

  • 10 highest score
  • 10 lowest score
  • 3 most important stress-tendencies

Top 10

The 10 statements where employees and leaders say that this is good in the organization. Score goes from 1-7, where 7 is the best. This is the average score from everyone who has participated in Culture Exploit in 2023. 
Top 10 statements come from the following of our 9 groups:


affect company culture and are a remarkable social and economic resource. They are important for the identities and well-being of people. Cultural environments and the features particular to them provide a unique edge to people, departments and regions and places, serve as the foundation of the development of communities and create business opportunities.


is expressed by proudness, loyalty, assertiveness and resilience when meeting challenges. A growth mindset that appriciate learning, new perspectives and accept change as a part of a working culture.


focuses on relationships and mutual trust. Work environments are collaborative, open minded where people help and support one another based on mutual knowledge and information. Honesty and constructive feedback is part of  daily work and there is an athmosphere of honesty and where important issues are discussed.



It is easy for me to get to my workplace.


I increase my own skills and abilities by supporting others.


I am comfortable with performing tasks that enable me to learn, even if these tasks imply that I can make mistakes.


I like my work well when it includes intellectual challenges.



Co-workers ask each other for advice.



I keep going when I face pushback at work.



I am proud to work in this organization.



My organization listens to customers to understand their needs.



It is possible to get valuable help from co-workers.



I trust my immediate superior.



Lowest 10

The 10 statements where employees and managers say that this is not good in the organization. 
Lowest 10 statements come from the following of our 9 groups:


is defined by efficient processes and keeping of deadlines. Consequences are when not fulfulling are clear. Constant testing of new technology and processes, continuous evaluation, based on a learning culture where failure is accepted and feedback is given. Everyone feel responsible for their peers and the meeting  og goals.


is exemplified by a clear sense of vision and values and that they both inspire in the the daily work. Work environments are tolerant and free of harassment of all sorts. The strategy is well communicated and motivates each employee. The organisation is agile and major changes are well implemented.


focuses on relationships and mutual trust. Work environments are collaborative, open minded where people help and support one another based on mutual knowledge and information. Honesty and constructive feedback is part of  daily work and there is an athmosphere of honesty and where important issues are discussed.


is characterized by an efficient and attractive working atmosphere that supports daily work as well as meetings with customers and partners. The workflow in and between units and managers fulfil the requirements for efficient organization.

Result oriented

is characterized by setting up clear overall and individual goals. Reaching goals are honoured, teamefforts support results and mutual susccess. The strategy is relevant and adapted to the market.



The organization have recently launched new product groups in new markets.


Training is provided so that everyone can use and understand the organization's mission in their daily work.


My organization has a robust strategy to meet new competition wielding groundbreaking innovation.


It is possible to work part-time without losing my responsibilities.



The strategy of my organization is being formulated and communicated clearly.



When my organization is implementing new routines and systems, employees are given sufficient training to succeed.



The organization has a system (analytics) that makes trends and changes in risk visible.



I am able to ignore communication after normal working hours.



Colleagues talk about the vision.



It is possible to come up with anonymous suggestions that I know are being reviewed at a high level in the organization.



Top 3, most important
personal framework conditions

How is it today and how it should be and the importance.
Is there anything that worries the employees? Culture Exploit look at 16 tendencies that make employees happy or unhappy, psychological secure and
what matters in their daily life.
The score goes from 1-7, where 7 is the best.

Good teamwork/Interaction



Difference between
"How it should be" and "How it is today"


Possible personal development



Difference between
"How it should be" and "How it is today"


Work life balance



Difference between
"How it should be" and "How it is today"


Top 3, biggest difference
personal framework conditions

Receiving constructive feedback on my job

Difference between
"How it should be" and "How it is today"


Strong positive leadership

Difference between
"How it should be" and "How it is today"


Work towards personal own goals which are agreed upon

Difference between
"How it should be" and "How it is today"


Maybe you'll be inspired to try it too?

This is how company culture has been experienced among our users in 2023.

When we see what is good and what is not that good, and we know how important culture is, we know we have a job to do.

BETTER DECISIONS based on better data is the mantra of digitalization

This is a great way to get started!

We call our approach to developing and changing culture MOVE, Measure-Observe-Valuate-Elevate

Measure Company culture - People knowledge

  • You need to know where you are to be able to change.
    What is the reason why there is low commitment, high stress levels and many who are considering changing jobs? to know what is really going on among the employees we have to stop assuming but actually knowing your people. With Culture Exploit, you can build a cultural journey your employees love and measure what matters to employees, management and owners. Baseline - Shows scores of 36 cultural dimensions divided into 9 groups with full drilldown for: department, age, seniority, gender, organizational level.
    To figure out all the strengths and challenges it is important to start broad so you don't miss any blind spots.In just one view, you have a complete overview of the entire organization with their strengths and challenges  With this insight you will clearly see the opportunities for rapid changes that produce results both for the organization and the employees.
    Stress tendencies - Is there anything that worries the employees? We look at 26 things that make employees happy or unhappy, psychological security and what matters in daily life.If you are going in blind you´ll miss the mark

Observe the results - People awareness

  • How to visually see the unknown known. To change culture, you depend on people with the expected behavior. By mapping what behavioral tendencies there are, it will be easier to create a strategy based on the strengths of the employees. Set plans for activities which highlights the need of change and developments and you will succeed.Focus areas -By choosing what is important at department level, it will make it easier for the immediate leader to focus on what is important. Perform development as closely as possible. Compare the results from the measurement with other KPIs you use today on, among other things, sickness absence, performance and how many and why employees leave the organization. All this contributes to large increased costs. Maybe you can find the answers in the measurements?

Valuate strengths and opportunities - People power

  • By adapting development needs for each department based on strengths and needs, we focus on future success by development of individuals, teams and organizations.
    Top-performing employees create extraordinary results that provide a solid foundation for business growth.
    Team specific pulse surveys - When the first measurement has been carried out, a decision must be made about what are the most important focus areas for each department. Once it has been decided, a development course must be created based on the selected focus areas. Based on this, department-specific pulse measurements are made to reveal monthly the effect of the development course. Quick and agile changes can then be made where the desired effect is not achieved.

Elevate the possibilities - People tomorrow

  • Train and develop - Training classes, coaching 1 to 1 and 1 to many, workshops, tooltip for leaders are different forms of development for leaders and employees. In order to check what potential there is for change, it is now also possible to measure which skills the leader has that are important for the focus areas. The behavior of the employees that affects the focus areas can also indicate the possibilities for change. Our Purpose is to deliver better and faster information of the organization in a smarter way,
    so that humans and the organization will have better days. We help you develop your dream team.

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