What are you doing to improve Diversity & Inclusion?

Diversity & Inclusion is much more than equal pay

Equip employees with the tools they need to speak up

  • What are people thinking that they do not say?
  • Takes care of whistleblowers.
  • No possibility to link scores to person.

In order for the employees to be confident in their anonymity, no results will be displayed if the selected group has less than five employees.  What really underlies why we do things and what others think they know and assume about the organization, but which may be completely wrong.

Do you measure what matters to both the organization and the employees?

You must look behind the numbers!

Part of creating greater understanding of Diversity & Inclusion in the organization is to look behind the demographic data. Many companies certainly need to do better when it comes to diversity both in the leadership team and beyond. Take, for example, Google. The company shows a relatively diverse executive team, but when looking deeper into the metrics, the company as a whole is 69% male and 94% is white.
Measuring employee sentiment and perceptions is a good place to start. By routinely soliciting feedback from employees about how they feel at work, HR will get a tangible study on how D&I initiatives are going.

Build a culture of trust

Would you let a doctor operate on you without taking an examination first? Probably not.

If, on the other hand, you know the person well, the history and know the results of previous similar operations, then the situation may be different. 

This is how it is in the workplace as well. Therefore, there are often significant differences in the results of organizations with a culture of trust compared to a toxic culture.

Culture Exploit
Exploit the Blind spots in the organization that make you build a winning Culture

The people in the real world do not behave like the people we make all our usual strategies for.

Ror i samme retning
Not all of your employees are rowing in the same direction!

What does a positive cultural journey really mean for your employees? How can you solve it?

Developing an organizational culture should not be stopped by expensive tools

We believe that you will be pleasantly surprised by the investment cost.

we believe in people

The understanding that culture is important has in recent years become a major focus area for many companies. Research says that managers want better information on how to utilize employees' strengths. The tools they have seen today are not adapted to the leaders' everyday lives. Quick and easy overview of what matters for how you will manage your organization tomorrow. Based on this, we started Xientia to give managers better tools to describe what the organization really is. The analyzes must be easy to interpret and carry out for all employees. Xientia is a Norwegian-owned company that delivers modern cloud-based tools in many languages.

Henning Sohlman Lund

Cofounder Culture Exploit

A strong culture aligned with strategy and leadership drives positive organizational outcomes.

Listening and measure to understand your employees is an essential part of successful leadership and long-term organizational success. We see this high need to properly develop company culture from our valued clients. Also, the existing research proves how crucial good company culture is. Organizations who are able to establish a satisfying and healthy culture have highly engaged and motivated employees. Employees are indeed twice as productive, loyal and engaged when working in a healthy company culture.


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